CalcEngine Plus

User-authored calculations for .NET

Customer success - Akumen

Posted by Duncan Maxwell on October 04, 2016. 0 Comments

Just a quick shout out to one of our customers, Optika Solutions, who took away the Australia-wide Innovation of the Year award for their product, Akumen. This product operates in the simulation-modelling and data analytics space providing advanced decision-support and modelling capabilities. 

CalcEnginePlus sits at the core of their Driver Tree model, which allows customer to build sophisticated model logic in a drag-and-drop environment.

Akumen driver tree


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Let's build one ourselves!

Posted by Duncan Maxwell on March 09, 2016. 0 Comments

As a project manager or development manager, you will one day - perhaps today - be confronted with a developer who earnestly insists that he or she can build a calc engine in a couple of days. You'll maybe even get "I'll do it over a weekend". And despite your nagging doubts, enthusiasm trumps experience and you give the go-ahead (is it just me, or is it that the older and wiser we get, the more we question ourselves?). Anyway, after four frantic days of coding, you will be presented with a home-brew calculation engine.

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